Yorbl Vita
Keep your independence
The future of digital telecare,
our digital dispersed alarm, Yorbl Vita…

About Yorbl Vita
Our Entry Level, Low Cost Digital Dispersed Alarm
Get started with Vita:
One off set-up fee £33, first monthly subscription £14, Nokia C21 Plus £101 (*includes 1 x Yorbl Amica Gero worth £19)
Total £148 (exc.VAT)
*Monthly User Licence Fee £14
- Can be built on 6.5″, 8″ and 10.1″ andriod devices
- Aggressively priced, easy to deploy steppingstone into Digital Healthcare
- Built on a robust, reliable Android Platform
- Utilising an equally robust/reliable mobile smartphone
- Wi-Fi Internet connectivity
- Mobile SIM backup (should Wi-Fi not be available)
- Touch screen and voice Control “Excuse Me, Get Help”
- Designed to be permanently powered/docked
- Case included
- Battery for use in a power failure
- Includes Amica Basic Personal Alarm– BLE connected watch/pendant.
- Single Push for “I’m OK”, Long Push/Double Push for SOS
- Includes Fall Detector functionality.
- Rechargeable
- IP66 rated

Who is the Yorbl Vita Dispersed
Alarm for?
The Yorbl Vita is aimed at supporting a wide range of people including:
- elderly and/or vulnerable
- have a long-term medical condition
- live alone and/or are at risk of falling
- have dementia, epilepsy or heart disease
- want to keep your loved one safe when you’re not around
Which Vita is right for you?

See more Yorbl Products
Let’s get ready to Yorbl!
Yorbl Vita Tab
Addressing Digital Inclusion & Social Connectivity
Yorbl Vita Hub
For community living and Housing Schemes

Yorbl Vita+
Feature Rich – Built to TSA TECS & BSI Standards for Telecare devices