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A Day in the Life – Josh Jones

A New Looming Crisis for Telecare Services in the UK - A Call for Digital Innovation

A Call for Digital Innovation

The negative impact of the impending deactivation of Virgin Media O2’s 3G network during 2025 is going to be significantly increased for users of telecare devices that use this band by the additional confirmation that VMO2 is also going to restrict “Inbound Roaming” on their 2G Network (CLICK HERE).   

In short, telecare devices that are built to utilise “Roaming SIM’s” from 3rd party providers that operate on either the 2G/3G Networks will suddenly find their services become unavailable if they are in an area where using the VMO2 Network is their only option.  In fact, VMO2’s advice on the issue is, “Businesses should contact their connectivity provider to ensure any machines and applications that may use roaming to connect to our network, even occasionally, are upgraded to 4G / 5G or to find alternate ways to connect before October 2025.” 

Coupled with the overall effect of the general 3G switch off, this represents a sudden milestone in the UK’s digital evolution but also a looming crisis for telecare services that rely on this legacy technology.  

For example, we have been reliably informed that there are c50,000 connected telecare devices in Scotland alone that were bought in the last 2/3yrs that rely solely on this connectivity. According to the TSA, there are an estimated 700,000 digital TEC devices in the UK, of which c500,000 are reliant entirely on 2G networks! 

The fact is that the impact of this decision will similarly be felt across the whole of Great Britain. Telecare providers, especially in the public sector, already face daunting financial and logistical challenges to ensure continuity of these vital services. Now, they are going to be faced with the massive challenge of replacing/upgrading equipment that has only recently been purchased. 

With this in mind, it would be fair to ask the question why manufacturers continue to sell this type of equipment and industry “advisors” nor “advise” against it when they were all fully aware of the potential risks, especially with the Government first announcing that they had reached agreement on the upcoming 2G/3G Switch off back in December 2021 (CLICK HERE)?  However, these are questions for those impacted most to ask and discuss and on another day. 

What is most important now is that we look at how best to solve the issue. 

Firstly, it is especially important that the industry uses what influence it has to lobby hard to have this decision revoked or delayed.  

However, given that VMO2 have stated that the closure of its 3G network and its knock-on impact on “smart-metering” as the main reason for restricting access to 2G networks suggests clearly that something is going to have to suffer.  

Considering their huge commercial UK Contract to supply smart-metering connectivity, you must wonder where exactly that “suffering” is going to occur, so how successful will that lobbying be? 

Regardless of any lobbying, which cannot and must not be relied upon, manufacturers have a responsibility to stop selling this type of equipment IMMEDIATELY and buyers MUST stop buying it. 

Finally, manufacturers of traditional “button and box” type solutions must make the investments necessary to ensure their equipment is as “future proof” as possible, ensuring testing and roll-out of new, digital technologies such as VoLTE, SIP, and other connectivity options such as ethernet broadband, Wi-Fi etc. are all completed ASAP. 

There is clearly a great deal to do and very little time to do it in. Especially with the “double whammy” of the Analogue to Digital switch only 2 years away – Imagine if that had not been delayed!!! 

However, they say, “Every cloud has a silver lining” and with that in mind, I believe this crisis could catalyze a much-needed transformation to fully digital solutions like Yorbl, which offer not just compatibility with modern networks but a host of other benefits. 

Why the Stakes Are So High 

Telecare devices provide a lifeline for vulnerable individuals, enabling them to live independently while ensuring their safety. These devices rely on uninterrupted connectivity to function. A disruption in service could put lives at risk and undermine trust in public care systems.  The phased removal of 2G/3G by all UK mobile operators creates an urgent need for providers to act decisively NOW. 

The Scale of the Problem 

Virgin Media O2’s announcement states that less than 1% of its customers use 2G-only devices and these account for a negligible portion of its data traffic. Yet, the removal of this network is seismic for telecare providers.  

Transitioning away from 2G/3G (and Analogue) means not just the significant cost of replacing unsuitable hardware but also incurring the costs of installing the new equipment, integration, and staff training. With c1.8 million connected devices in the UK and c80% of which are still analogue, the size of the problem is already huge.  

Add to that the fact that all public sector providers are already operating on an extremely tight budget, these unavoidable costs (which will run into tens of millions of pounds) will have a devastating impact on public services that are already under massive strain? 

A New Approach: Digital Solutions 

But what if there was a genuine way to significantly reduce these costs? A viable, alternative approach that could save millions and position telecare for a genuinely digitally driven future? 

We believe there already is. 

By transitioning to a genuinely digital, app-based solution such as Yorbl’s, ALL these hugely significant benefits can be achieved. For example: – 

  • Remove the cost of replacement equipment

With between c78%-85%  of people aged 55+ in the UK already owning a Smartphone and close to 100% of those aged 16-54 (CLICK HERE), the opportunity for the end user to simply install a Telecare App directly onto their own device has never been greater and it is only going to grow year on year.  For those few who do not currently own a device, you can guarantee that a relative or a friend will have an old one they can use. 

Why spend money on new “button and box” devices when you can deploy an App such as Yorbl Vita for c80-90% less? 

  • Facilitate Easy, Rapid, Low-Cost Deployment

Imagine a Telecare solution being provided at the point of purchase or the point of being prescribed, without the need for a physical alarm device to be ordered and installed?  

Yorbl’s app-based model facilitates this through installation directly onto users’ own smartphones or tablets, negating the need for costly hardware upgrades. This can be accomplished quickly and easily by a visiting Occupational Therapist, a family member or even by the end user themselves. 

Just how much money could be saved by providers who will have to pay for this to happen? Many £millions?  

  • Position for the Future

The problem with most traditional telecare offerings is not just the hardware and deployment costs, it is equally about the ability to scale such a solution and to be able to dynamically adapt it to the changing needs and circumstances of the end user.  

With many of these solutions offering only their own, proprietary peripherals etc., customers are quickly locked into and held back by both what is available to them now and a significant lack of pace when it comes to innovation and adaptability.  

The simple fact is that a truly digital, software-based solution like Yorbl is hugely more capable of adapting and developing to changing needs and circumstances and can do so exponentially quicker than any traditional solution. 

 With an inbuilt openness and interoperability that connects to any Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) Platform and allows integration with a massive and still growing range of peripherals from innovative third parties all over the world (including medically certified devices), we are already halfway there. 


Add a massively scalable cloud infrastructure that offers everything from the ability to view and analyse a User’s “Activities of Daily Living” to remote health monitoring and even the use of machine learning/AI to automatically predict problems and trigger actions to prevent them, what situation could not be adapted to? 


With this type of solution, providers can be absolutely sure that they both solve the problems directly in front of them and continue to do so well into the future. 

 These are just a few of the benefits that a solution such as Yorbl’s can bring, and you can be sure there are and will be many more. 

A Call to Action 

As we approach the 2025 deadline, public sector bodies must consider not just compliance with network changes but how to future-proof their operations. Even if lobbying creates a small delay, the changes to our mobile and fixed communications networks are inevitable and the clock is ticking inexorably. 

Investing in a robust digital solution like Yorbl addresses the immediate need for network compatibility while unlocking opportunities for enhanced care delivery and doing so in a way that can save providers £millions in unnecessary cost. 

The benefits, however, extend far beyond financial savings. They include better health outcomes, more personalised care, efficiency gains and a more sustainable model for combined Telecare and Telehealth provision. 

Virgin Media O2’s decision highlights the urgency of modernising critical services. It is an opportunity for telecare providers to embrace innovation and deliver better care for all. The question is not whether we can afford to transition to digital solutions but whether we can afford not to. 

Peter Reed-Forrester – CEO, Yorbl.


Written by Lauren Bate


A Day in the Life of Josh Jones, Yorbl’s Business Development Manager.

Josh Jones, Business Development Manager for Yorbl joined the team back in July 2020 during the global pandemic. Settling into a new working environment and a new role comes with its own challenges. Pairing this with the COVID-19 situation, Josh has settled into his new role and catches up with us today to share a day in the life.

Josh works alongside the Yorbl team to cast a light on our products and champion digital inclusivity and the all-important switch to digital. Technology Enabled Living is the future and Josh explains what it’s like to live and breathe our ethos in the first of our A Day in the Life series. 

It certainly felt I was starting in a unique environment when I joined Yorbl Technologies during the early months of the pandemic. I had only virtually met my colleagues at that time and I worked from home from the get-go.

Working for a start-up company meant it was an ‘all hands-on deck’! I really enjoyed this aspect as I had been able to use my skills and knowledge that I had built up through my time working in digital and behavioural marketing, along with learning new skills along the way.

The start-up mentality is also a great thing. All members of the Yorbl team work closely together and support each other through everything whilst giving you autonomy to get other tasks done and on time to make sure that everything can keep moving in the right direction. 

In this time, I have learnt so much about myself with regards to working remotely and understanding the inner workings of a start-up business and what it takes to succeed.

A day in the life at Yorbl for me involves meetings with Councils and Housing Associations from all across the country. Many of these have either heard about our products through our disruptive and fresh marketing efforts, or from the numerous events that we have either run ourselves or have been involved with in some way. Ultimately, my role is to spread the message of our innovative Technology Enabled Living products and seeking people who we may think will find great benefit from our TEC products and services.

In my opinion, Yorbl’s innovative and unique technology and products stand out in an industry that seems to have been stuck in a rut for such a long time with no real innovation or eyes on the future. Yorbl’s products help to incorporate the wider visions of what a lot of people in the industry want to see for the future of telecare, which is a shift to products that are proactive in their nature instead of reactive.

Traditional telecare is to sit in someone’s home and when an emergency occurs the device is then used. Whereas Yorbl’s future is truly telecare to be proud of. Digital first which grows and adapts to the end users’ needs with products that don’t feel dated or like you’re ‘resigned to the scrap heap’. As our ageing generation gets younger, Yorbl provides products that don’t just do the job, but look the part too.

Yorbl can help improve peoples’ lives and enables them to stay as independent as possible, for as long as possible. Adding our devices around the home, we pick up on changes in their behaviours. These changes help us to take the necessary steps providing the key information which can prevent many falls, which according to the World Health Organisation are the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide or flagging up an illness early to enable quick response.

It’s this vision that helps drive me along and the rest of the Yorbl team to push for changes in mindset and to look at the art of the possible and the future of embracing Technology Enabled Living, not just Technology Enabled Care.

You can get in touch with Josh Jones for more information about Yorbl products, email josh.jones@yorbl .com




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