0330 120 1520 sales@yorbl.com
Trusted Care Teams Essential For High Quality Care

Trusted Care Teams Essential For High Quality Care

Chronic conditions are common in older adults. These include conditions like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and high blood pressure. While it can be overwhelming to manage these conditions, there are several things you can do to improve your function and...
Stay Active As You Age

Stay Active As You Age

There’s no question that regular physical activity can be beneficial for a myriad of reasons ranging from reduced risk of certain diseases to improved mental health and mood. But for older adults specifically, exercise can play an essential part in mitigating some of...
Yorbl Vita Solution Approved by Digital Office Scotland

Yorbl Vita Solution Approved by Digital Office Scotland

Yorbl is pleased to announce that their Yorbl Vita Digital Telecare solution has been approved by the Digital Office for Scottish Local Government through its vigorous penetration testing procedure. Consequently, Yorbl Vita is now available to all local Scottish...