Live independently with Yorbl Lifeline

The New Kid on the Block

Written by yordevadmin

July 6, 2021

Throw away your analogue box and we’ll throw you a digital lifeline..

No matter our age, we all strive for and enjoy independence. Happiness is often the result of accomplishing something on our own. The desire to be independent is instilled in us throughout life and that desire doesn’t disappear with age. If anything, it becomes MORE important to seniors.

Independence is sometimes the only thing seniors may feel they can control as certain aspects of their life change with age.

We understand that in order to maintain independence, it’s vital for seniors to be involved in their own care.

We developed #YorblLifeline to ensure that seniors can keep their independence and live better, for longer.Throw away your old analogue box & we’ll throw you a digital lifeline… a Yorbl LIFELINE.

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